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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chem2XL?
Chem2XL is a custom report generating tool for the Agilent ChemStation that utilizes Microsoft Excel.

What does Chem2XL do?
Chem2XL allows users to create templates to export data to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Reports are then saved as MS Excel files, saved as a .pdf (with a .pdf generating software), or printed. MS Excel files can then be used for future manipulation.

Why should my lab use Chem2XL?
If your lab spends time manually entering data into a spreadsheet, or uses a calculator to report data, Chem2XL will automate the process and save valuable time and resources.

How does Chem2XL work?
Chem2XL builds user defined sophisticated templates that can be used to automate reporting of single samples or summarize results from sequences in the ChemStation.

Can Chem2XL create templates with custom calculations?
Yes. Chem2XL can be used to build single and multi sample templates that automatically generate ChemStation reports. Templates can be built with custom calculations adding the calculating power of Microsoft Excel to your reporting.

What types of calculations are compatible with Chem2XL reports?
Most Excel functions can be utilized in Chem2XL reports. Examples include Sum, Stdev, Average, Lookup functions, and many others.

Can Chem2XL generate Microsoft Excel files directly from the ChemStation?
Yes. Chem2XL can automatically or manually generate single or multi-sample reports directly into Excel file formats.

What is the difference between a single-sample and a multi-sample report?
Chem2XL creates two categories of report formats, single and multi-sample. A single-sample report contains information pertaining to one sample run/injection. A multi-sample report contains data from any number of sample runs/injections. For example a multi-sample report can create a summary report containing a row of data for each sample in a sequence. You can use multi-sample reports to help you trend or perform statistics on data.

What is the difference between a single-sample and a multi-sample report?
Chem2XL creates two categories of report formats, single and multi-sample. A single-sample report contains information pertaining to one sample run/injection. A multi-sample report contains data from any number of sample runs/injections. For example a multi-sample report can create a summary report containing a row of data for each sample in a sequence. You can use multi-sample reports to help you trend or perform statistics on data.

Where does Chem2XL save the Excel files?
Chem2XL saves single-sample Excel report files to the ChemStation data file directory (Ex. C:\Chem32\1\Data\SeqSub\SampleName.D\Chem2XL.xls) A multi-sample report is saved in the directory specified in the sequence parameter screen of the ChemStation, (Ex. C:\Chem32\1\Data\SeqSub\Chem2XL.xls).

How does ChemStation print Chem2XL reports?
To enable printing, select the “Print” checkbox in the “Specify Report” screen. Select Chem2XL report files from the ChemStation “Style” pull down screen in the “Specify Report” screen. The report style gets saved with the ChemStation method and can be printed automatically at the end of sample runs or interactively in data analysis.

What instruments will Chem2XL work with?
Chem2XL is designed to work with the LC/GC/AD/LCMS/CE ChemStations.

Is Chem2XL compatible with the Agilent ChemStore database?
Yes. Chem2XL report generation will function with ChemStore. Single-sample Chem2XL report files are stored inside the raw data file directory and therefore will be included when ChemStore stores data files in the database.

Is Chem2XL compatible with the Agilent OpenLAB Enterprise Content Manager (ECM)?
Yes. Chem2XL report generation will function with OpenLAB ECM. Single-sample Chem2XL report files are stored inside the raw data file directory and therefore will be included when ECM® stores data files in OpenLAB®. As an additional benefit, if you also have Excel Remediation services for OpenLAB, Chem2XL will have an internal audit trail thereby helping with validation.

Will Chem2XL function without Microsoft Excel loaded?

Can Chem2XL run in the ChemStation data analysis only version?

Can I use the Microsoft Excel viewer instead of installing Excel?
No. However, Chem2XL uses the Excel viewer to display Chem2XL reports. Chem2XL needs Microsoft Excel loaded on the PC to generate reports as well as create and edit templates.

What is the best naming convention for Chem2XL templates?
Templates can be named based on ChemStation methods, instruments, calculation types, projects, analysis names, or chemical compounds. It is recommended that Chem2XL templates names reflect the function of the template so that it will be easy for users to relate the name to it’s function.

Can Chem2XL reports have color Chromatograms?
Yes, however you need to install a color printer driver and have it selected as the default printer for ChemStation to output the chromatogram in color.

Is there a Chem2XL website?
Yes: We are in the process of updating our site, so be sure to check our site frequently for valuable product information.

Is Chem2XL supported?
Yes. Inquiries will be answered at

Template Generation

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